- Multi-Pass system allows fluid to be recirculated through hydrocyclones continuously. Three (3) 3-Panel Shakers or Two (2) Double Deck shaker with 24-28 sqft of screening area per deck and 1,000GPM of Desanding/Desilting capacity.
- One Scalping Shaker or Two Lower Decks
- One Mudcleaner or One Upper Deck with 2 Cone Desander
- One Mudcleaner or One Upper Deck with 16 Cone Desilter
- 4 Pumps (Hopper/Desander/Desilter/Transfer)
- Trash Pump available on request
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1000 GPM Units
- Multi-Pass system allows fluid to be recirculated through hydrocyclones continuously. Three (3) 3-Panel Shakers or Two (2) Double Deck shaker with 24-28 sqft of screening area per deck and 1,000GPM of Desanding/Desilting capacity.
- One Scalping Shaker or Two Lower Decks
- One Mudcleaner or One Upper Deck with 2 Cone Desander
- One Mudcleaner or One Upper Deck with 16 Cone Desilter
- 4 Pumps (Hopper/Desander/Desilter/Transfer)
- Trash Pump available on request